Aeschylus' The Libation BearersThessalian Theatre (Greece) (2009)
Euripedes' ElectraEuropean Cultural Center at Delphi (2007)
Hip Hop adaptation of
Aeschylus' Seven Against ThebesNew York Theatre Workshop (2006)

Euripedes' Medea
Syracuse Greek Theatre (2009)
Euripedes' MedeaLa Ma Ma Theatre (2008)
Theodora Skipitares, Director
Euripedes' MedeaJames Madison University (2009)
Euripedes' HippolytusMarcos Jimenez Theatre (2009)
Euripedes' ElectraLa Ratonera Theatre (2009)
Euripedes' The Trojan Women
UBC Theatre (2008)
Catriona Leger, Director

Euripedes' the Trojan Women
Theatre of the Lost Continent (1971)
Euripedes' Electra Culver City Public Theatre(1999)
Aeshylus' The OrestiaConstellation Theater (2008)
Allison A. Stockman, Director
Euripedes' OrestesYale Caberet Theatre(2008)
Euripedes' CyclopsVassiliko Theatre (1988)
Giorgos Skourtis, Director
Aeschylus' Seven Against ThebesThe University of Melbourne (200)
Paul Monaghan, Director
Euripedes' HecubaAlbery Theatre, 2005
Sophocles' Oedipus RexThe Wesleyan Argus University Theatre (2007)Yuriy Kordonskiy, Director
Sophocles' Oedipus Rex Olivier Theatre (2008)
Jonathan Kent, Director
Sophocles' Oedipus at ColonusTheatre at Epidaurus (1962)
Aeschylus' The PersiansRenaissance Theatre Works (2008)
Aeschylus' The PersiansShakespeare Theatre Company(2006)
Ethan McSweeny, Director
Euripedes' The BacchaeThe Public Theatre, NY(2009)
JoAnne Akalaitis, Director

Euripedes' The Bacchae
Knee High Theatre/Cornwall, UK (2005)

Sophocles' Antigone
AlleyWay theatre/Buffalo, NY (1982)
Sophocles' AntigoneNational Theatre of Northern Greece(2009)Tassos Ratzos, Director